

This grant opportunity will provide Tribal Nations, communities and Indigenous-led organizations an investment in self-determination, building collective Indigenous power to Defend, Develop and Decolonize.


Opens May 29, 2024  and Closes on July 17, 2024 @ 5pm US CST. 

While registration is now closed, active registrants can continue their application here. Final Selections will be made by early to mid-September, 2024. Community Self Determination Grant starts on October 15, 2024.


The Community Self-Determination grant program invests in the self-determination of Indigenous people working in their community to Defend, Develop, and Decolonize; fortifying self-determined efforts to create a just, equitable, and sustainable world for all people and Mother Earth. Significant, flexible, multi-year funding may include the infusion of general operating support, power building, capital and holistic support for comprehensive initiatives and specific programs.

 Community Self-Determination Grants are intended to support, strengthen and invest in the long-term visions, sustainability, and building of collective power of Indigenous Tribal Nations, Pueblos, tribal communities, grassroots movements and Indigenous-led organizations. While we consider national efforts, we intentionally prioritize grassroots, community-based efforts and solutions. Climate and Indigenous justice are at the heart of the intent behind the Community Self-Determination Grant.

The best days of our people are ahead of us. To truly advance this as Indigenous people, we have to imagine the future of our people and take action towards this vision.


Grants of $125,000 USD per year, with a commitment of two years, are available, with a total grant award of $250,000 USD over two years.


Applicants are encouraged to describe your community self-determination efforts within one of the following strategic focus areas that is best suited for your intentions and goals.  We understand some efforts may encompass all three focus areas and encourage applicants to select the area that best suits your work. Priority is given to organizations engaged in climate justice work, such as clean energy initiatives and access to clean water, soil, and air for all. Up to 50% of total grants awarded may reflect this priority.


Indigenous Peoples, communities and nations defend and protect our land, air, water and natural resources.

Efforts may include but are not limited to:

  Protecting sovereignty, Landback efforts, Water, and Natural Resources ;  

 Such as:

  • Grassroots, frontline organizing and community mobilization to defend and protect clean water, air and land from extractive industries and exploitation; 
  • Indigenous-led environmental movements and efforts to stop the extraction of the earth’s natural resources on and near tribal territories.
  • Deepening the results and/or progress of direct action efforts of the climate and environmental justice movement.

Indigenous Peoples, communities and nations are developed in a resilient, regenerative and sustainable manner based on our values and connection to land, culture and identity.

Efforts may include but are not limited to:

Community and economic development/resilience based on sustainable, regenerative principles,  climate change solutions and mitigation Such as: 

  • Sustainable food systems, food sovereignty/security initiatives; sustainable community agriculture, gardens, food harvesting and processing, community hunting and fishing, sustainable herd management,  shared community food pantries and food distribution;
  • Community water initiatives; protecting or developing clean water sources; community pumps or wells, water purification and sanitation, ecological wastewater treatment systems, such as constructed wetlands, greywater systems, and composting toilet implementation, and bioremediation of contaminated soils and water;
  • Community planning and implementation of  sustainable, regenerative, and innovative solutions for community preparedness and resiliency;
  • Renewable energy sources, i.e.; wind, solar, geo-thermal
  • Energy transition that is environmentally, socially and economically just; that reduces carbon emissions and footprints; 
  • Financial planning and transition to  new or alternative revenue streams based on regenerative principles of economic and community development; 
  • Resilient and regenerative infrastructure improvements or development, including housing, broadband or increased internet speed and capacity; improved or upgraded software systems and technological training to support virtual and tele-abilities to learn, access health, conduct business, up-to-date communications access;
  • Capital investments for economic mobility to diversify economies, long-term regenerative business development in various sectors, including decreasing risk of a larger investment; and investments in building the capacity of people through education, training, and consulting to be well-equipped leaders in creating just, and resilient economies and infrastructure.

Indigenous ceremonies, cultures, languages and ways of life are revitalized, recognized and celebrated.

Efforts  may include, but are not limited to:

Reclamation, transmission and continuity of language, culture, ceremonial practices, traditional governance and decision-making structures, and lifeways. Such as: 

  • Governance and leadership development and transformation grounded in Indigenous values and practices, including reintegration of traditional governance structures, or decentralized, consensus-based decision-making practices;
  • Indigenous health and safety; providing and reclamation of Indigenous health, wellness,  community care, healing and medicinal practices, including social, emotional, and cultural support;
  • Language revitalization - Community immersion programs; teacher preparation and language apprentice programs; family language nests;
  • Decolonized education models;
  • Youth, family and community initiatives to restore, renew and support Indigenous language, cultural  practices, creativity and lifeways;
  • Community harmony, safety and protection efforts, including addressing physical and sexual violence; Indigenous peace-making and conflict resolution initiatives, community restorative justice practices, protocols and teachings.


Community Self Determination Grant Application Opens  May 29, 2024 and Closes July 17, 2024 at 5pm CST US.

Registration closes Monday, July 15, 2024 at 5pm CST US. Note that you must register by the deadline to apply. Final Selections will be made by early to mid-September, 2024. The Community Self Determination Grant starts on October 15, 2024.


Registration is now Closed. Grant Applications can be submitted by clicking on the following link: APPLY

Helpful hints 

  • Use a computer or laptop to complete registration, log-in and/or initial application as the Fluxx website is not optimized for mobile devices.
  • Chrome browser works best with the grant application online system.   
  • Please be sure to register well in advance of the grant deadline to ensure timely submission. Any attempts to register later than 5 p.m. Central Standard Time US on July 15, 2024 does not guarantee submission by 5 p.m. CST US deadline on July 17, 2024.
  • Please ensure that your organizational information is correct, i.e.; contact information, email address; telephone number.  Once it is submitted you cannot edit your profile information. 
  • Once you’ve registered or logged in, you will receive information via email on how to access your portal and complete the application forms. 
  • NDN cannot make any exceptions to the initial application/grant application deadline.  This includes incomplete applications, application mistakes due to user error, or faxed/emailed or mailed applications.


Who can apply for a grant?

Values and mission connection: NDN Collective  provides grants to Indigenous-led organizations, Nations, Tribes, and groups,  whose work, goals and intentions are consistent with  the NDN mission, values, core principles and strategies.  NDN grantmaking is intended to honor and advance the self-determination of Indigenous Peoples. 

         See: Our Mission

Geographic focus: Turtle Island also known as the post colonial regions of North America:  the United States and related Island Nations of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as Canada and Mexico.  


         Grantmaking may be provided to the following recipients:

  • Indigenous-led non-profit organizations within the U.S. Indigenous-led is defined as 100% Indigenous Board of Directors/Decision-makers, and at least 70% Indigenous staff. 
  • U.S.-based tribal non-profit entities or tribal programs, Alaska Native Villages, or their non-profit entities.
  • First Nations or Aboriginal communities, groups, and organizations based in Canada.
  • Indigenous communities, groups, and organizations based in Mexico.
  • Indigenous owned businesses in the US and related Island Nations, Canada or Mexico

NDN Collective defines Indigenous peoples as ethnic communities whose ancestry descends from the earliest, original inhabitants of a given region, in contrast to groups that have settled, occupied, and/or colonized the region more recently. The land on which we live and the natural resources on which we depend are inextricably linked to our identities, cultures, livelihoods, as well as our physical and spiritual well-being. The total estimated population of Indigenous peoples is approximately 370 million people worldwide (5% of the global population). We use Indigenous peoples with an “s” to recognize the diversity of individuals and groups that identify with the term, which has been distilled to a singular noun throughout history in an attempt to group our people together rather than recognize our differences and diversity. This is consistent with the UN Declaration on The Rights of Indigenous peoples.

Although it may change at some point in the future, NDN Collective currently only provides grants to support communities who are Indigenous TO Turtle Island, including the U.S. and related Island Nations, Canada, and Mexico.

As a 100%  Indigenous-led organization, NDN Collective is not linked to federal or state government offices, nor do we disseminate our calls for applications or provide support to applicants through government agencies.

Organizations that do not currently meet the criteria for “Indigenous-led” can apply as long as they also submit a plan outlining how they intend to become “Indigenous-led” (100% Indigenous Leadership/Decision Makers and 70% Indigenous staff) in the future.

Yes. In order to receive an NDN Foundation grant, you or your organization must have a Tax Identification Number. You can apply as a non-profit organization, a Tribe, as a First Nations, or as a Business. The Tax Identification of the entity or individual used is then responsible for the taxable income and/or accountability of the grant.

Organizations and Groups can establish a fiscal sponsorship with a nonprofit organization.  This may be a local non-profit organization with which you have an established relationship or with a regional/national organization that is willing to serve as your fiscal sponsor.  Your organization/group can then apply for an NDN grant utilizing the tax status of the fiscal sponsor.  A memorandum of understanding signed by both parties and the tax verification documentation of the fiscal sponsor must be submitted.

Yes, you will need to have the fiscal sponsor and required documentation at the time that your application is submitted. A memorandum of understanding signed by both parties and the tax verification documentation of the fiscal sponsor must be submitted as an attachment with your application.

NDN grantmaking is intended to honor and advance the self-determination of Indigenous Peoples.  This may include flexible, unrestricted, and meaningful grant support such as:

  • General operating support
  • Organizational or Individual Capacity Building, including leadership development.
  • Movement Building, including Indigenous narrative change.
  • Capital support, including but not limited to purchasing land, new construction, modification of existing structures and equipment. However a planning project application must include a comprehensive business plan, land use plan, feasibility study,or similar. 
  • Contractual and consulting fees
  • Overhead or indirect costs up to 15% - Indirect costs are typically ongoing operational costs associated with the organization’s activities and projects which may not be easily identified with any specific project; administrative or other expenses, including oversight, facilities costs, accounting, grants management, legal expense or technology.

 In addition to the NDN-specific income, you may present all other sources of financial support for your efforts, including other grant sources (tribal/government/private foundation) and individual donations.

  1. In-kind contributions, such as the use of facilities, equipment, volunteer hours (any non-cash donation to support the organization or project). 
  2. Earned income, such as booth fees, merchandise, or ticket sales, etc.

Note: The budget template focuses on the proposed effort and use of the NDN grant and income related to the proposed effort, not the entire organizational budget.  The amount of your overall organizational budget is presented in the Organizational Information section.

Although we value our grantee partners’ ability to leverage our resources with others, we do not require a match.

 For Technical Support and Fluxx Support please contact: 

For program and application related questions -

English and French speaking applicants please reach out to:

Janet Maylen, Director of Grantmaking,

Thomas Kenote, Program Officer, at

Serene Lawrence, Program Officer, at

For Spanish speaking applicants please reach out to:

Helen Aldana, Program Officer, at


Grant purpose & content: (U.S.) (U.S.) (U.S. and Canada) (For residents of Mexico and Spanish-speaking Applicants)

Technical support & General grant information: