NDN Collective is the most ambitious, systemic effort to empower Indigenous Peoples in the history of philanthropy. We are creating a paradigm change in how society invests in Indigenous Peoples by dramatically scaling up investment and shifting decision-making power. We are doing four key things to create a new ecosystem that supports Indigenous self-determination:

We are dramatically increasing philanthropic investment into Indigenous-led organizations, with the goal of giving out $50M per year in grants.

We are creating an Indigenous-led CDFI to move $100M of for-profit investment into projects led by and serving Indigenous communities.

We are building capacity in Indigenous communities to be able to absorb this new influx of capital.

We are advocating for Indigenous rights and policy changes that will enable our peoples and communities to thrive.


We represent the people we serve—we are Indigenous-led and support Indigenous people and organizations

We think in systems and recognize the interconnectedness of all living things

We are changemakers that have and model a mindset of abundance

We believe in the power of Indigenous self-determination to create a just, equitable world for all people and the planet

We integrate culture and ceremony into our work

We acknowledge and pay respects to our elders and past while taking ownership and control of our future.

Talent Acquisition and Retention Specialist

The Talent Acquisition and Retention Specialist oversees and coordinates all hiring processes for the NDN Ecosystem from job creation through finding fresh and innovative ways to retain NDN’s talented staff.


IT Specialist

The IT Specialist will implement, manage, and optimize digital content for placement across the NDN Collective Intranet as well as digital signage at NDN owned properties.


IT Technician

The IT Technician helps to maintain computer, surveillance, door access control, servers, hardware, software, and cloud applications in a non-profit organization setting.


Tactical Media Associate – Mni Luzahan

The Tactical Media Associate works across a host of disciplines and platforms, including livestream video productions, on-the-ground event coverage, post-production video editing, digital organizing, social media engagement, researching, and writing.


Impact Manager – Research & Evaluation Team

The Impact Manager will oversee impact-related research and evaluation efforts to understand, improve, and communicate how the NDN Collective ecosystem of organizations advances Indigenous self-determination to build a just and equitable world.


Director of Donor Organizing

The Director of Donor Organizing will oversee all facets of NDN Collective’s individual giving program, including the planning, implementation, ongoing management, and evaluation of the program.
